The Influence Analysis Of Electronic Word Of Mouth On Purchase Intention Mediated By Brand Image On Lazada In Bandung City


  • Fitri Nurlianti Telkom University
  • Heppy Millanyani Telkom University


The development of technology every year has increased very rapidly, in this increasingly modern era, most
people in choosing or buying a product are influenced by technological sophistication. Over time, the business
world is an example of this technological development, the emergence of online commerce or e-commerce.
Lazada is an online store that is less popular than Shopee which are the most popular e-commerce platforms in
Indonesia. Due to the large number of declines in Lazada, the problem to be discussed is Electronic Word of
Mouth which affects Purchase Intention mediated by Brand Image. This study using quantitative approach with
descriptive analysis. The population are Lazada consumers in the city of Bandung. The sampling technique used
is non-probability sampling with a total 400 respondents and data collection in this study was carried out by
distributing online questionnaires via Google form, using a Likert scale. Data analysis used Structural Equation
Model Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) with SmartPLS 3.0 software. Based on the results of the study, the
Electronic Word of Mouth variable influences Purchases Intention. Electronic Word of Mouth influences Brand
Image. So it can be concluded that Electronic Word of Mouth has an influence on Purchase Intention through
Brand Image.
Keywords-electronic word of mouth, purchase intention, brand image


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Program Studi S1 International ICT Business