The Influence Of Products Quality And Promotions On Purchase Decisions In Marketplace Shopee (Case Study: Students Telkom University)


  • Clara Forendza Mendrofa Telkom University
  • Indira Rachmawati Telkom University


The purpose of this study was to determine whether Product Quality (X1) and Promotion (X2) had an effect on
Purchase Decisions (Y) on Telkom University Students. The phenomena in this study were explored using
quantitative methods. Researchers distributed questionnaires to Telkom University students with a total of 395
respondents. Data analysis used descriptive analysis techniques, classical assumption test, and multiple
regression analysis to answer the proposed hypothesis. The results showed that partially Product Quality (X1)
and Promotion (X2) variables had a significant effect on purchasing decision making (Y) for Telkom University
students in the Shopee Marketplace. The three variables of Product Quality (X1) and Promotion (X2) also have a
significant simultaneous effect on the Purchase Decision (Y) of Telkom University students in the Shopee
Keywords-products quality, promotion, and purchase decision


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Program Studi S1 International ICT Business