Communication Barriers and Adjustment Strategies of Foreign Students: A Case Study Analysis in A Private University


  • Mukhammad Rifky Ardhana Telkom University
  • Iis Kurnia Nurhayati Telkom University


The increasing demand for education has led to a rise in foreign students seeking global experiences. However, they
often face communication barriers in their home universities, including Telkom University. A pre-research interview
at Telkom University exposed a gap between foreign and local students, with little interaction concerning campus
organization and events. This study aimed to identify these communication barriers and examine their adjustment
strategies. The researcher used a qualitative method and case study methodology to analyze the issues faced by six
foreign students. The findings revealed five distinct communication barriers: assumptions of similarities, language
differences, non-verbal misinterpretations, preconceptions and stereotypes, and high anxiety. Factors contributing to
these barriers include cultural differences, media, personal beliefs/values, personal experiences, and historical
background. The students implemented a convergence strategy to address these barriers. The study highlights the need
for better communication between foreign and local students at Telkom University.

Keywords-foreign students, communication gap, communication barriers, adjustment strategies.


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Program Studi S1 Ilmu Komunikasi