Gita Savitri's YouTube on Content Childfree of Infertile People: A Reception Analysis (Serba Salah Di Mata Warganet)


  • Nathasya Aryanti Asyfaa Sihombing Telkom University
  • Diah Agung Esfandari Telkom University


This research is motivated by the controversial content presented by Gita Savitri on the YouTube page regarding
childfree choices. The purpose of this study is to analyze the reception responses of infertile people regarding Gita
Savitri's content regarding childfree choices. The data analysis used in this research is Miles and Huberman's
interactive data analysis. In this study, researchers used a qualitative method with a case study design. Data collection
was carried out using a semi-structured interview approach to eight informants and studies in this study using
technique triangulation. The theory used as the theoretical basis in this research is the reception theory coined by
Stuart Hall. Stuart Hall's reception analysis explains the existence of three encodings in receiving a message including
dominant hegemonic, negotiated, and opposition. The results of this study found two things, first, Gita Savitri's content
about Childfree was accepted. This acceptance occurs because it is based on background and additional insight.
Second, the negotiated position, the relevant informant can accept cultural differences. This research brings up new
findings with the absence of opposition coding.

Keywords-childfree, Gita Savitri, infertile, reception analysis, social media


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Program Studi S1 Ilmu Komunikasi