Reception Analysis on Sandwich Generation about Financial Literacy In Maudy Ayunda’s YouTube Video


  • Telkom University
  • Telkom University


The sandwich generation phenomenon is prevalent in developing countries as family life is usually valued in these
countries. One of the problems faced by the sandwich generation is financial literacy. Therefore, the purpose of this
study is to further analyse the Sandwich Generation's reception of Maudy Ayunda's content on financial literacy. The
data analysis used in this research is Miles and Huberman's interactive analysis. In this study, researchers used
qualitative methods by interviewing 8 (eight) informants and used triangulation techniques. The theory used as a
theoretical basis in this research is Stuart Hall's reception theory. Stuart Hall's Reception Analysis explains the
existence of 3 (three) coding in receiving a message; namely dominant hegemonic, negotiated, opposition. The results
of this study found 2 (two) things, namely; First, Sandwich Generation is receiving the message from Maudy Ayunda's
content <Sandwich Generation: Menanggung Biaya Hidup atau Gaya Hidup= regarding to the financial literacy. This
acceptance is based on the message their accept and adds new insight. Second, the negotiation position, informant can
accept the messages but with different points of view. In this study, researcher did not find the coding of opposition

Keywords-reception analysis, sandwich generation, financial literacy, YouTube


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Program Studi S1 Ilmu Komunikasi