Analisis Resepsi Pemilih Muda Terhadap Calon Legislatif 2024 Dari Kalangan Gen Z Di Kecamatan Cilengkrang Kabupaten Bandung
This study aims to analyze the reception of young voters from Gen Z towards the 2024 legislative elections in
Cilengkrang District. Using a qualitative approach through data collection with in-depth interview methods with 15
informants who are young voters in Cilengkrang District. This research found that the position of public acceptance
in Cilengkrang District according to 3 positions of acceptance of legislative candidates from Generation Z and the
results are dominated by the Dominant-Hegemonic position where the community agrees with the existence of
legislative candidates from Generation Z. The results showed that the position of community acceptance in
Cilengkrang sub-district towards legislative candidates from Gen Z is dominated by the Dominant Hegemonic position
because the community considers that Generation Z has great opportunities and ambitions to bring change to the
future government. This research is expected to provide insights for political parties and campaign teams to develop
more effective strategies in attracting support for Gen Z legislative candidates, as well as being a valuable source of
information regarding the public's assessment of Gen Z candidates.
Keywords-gen z, young voters, 2024 legislative election, reception
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