Analisis Sentimen Perdebatan Publik Tentang Khilafah Di Twitter (Studi Pada Data Twitter Pada Topik Percakapan Khilafah Tahun 2022)
Conversations about the Caliphate are quite massive and widely discussed in the world. The purpose of this study is
to find out how the general public perceives the Caliphate as seen from sentimens on Twitter. Public conversations
about Khilafah are often linked to radicalism and terrorism. On the other hand, public conversations about the
Khilafah also arise because there are people who want to restore the Khilafah system in the world. This research
method uses a qualitative method with a descriptive sentimen analysis approach using data sources obtained from an
open source crawling website called The sentimen results based on the site are 60% of conversations discussing Khilafah in Indonesia are positive sentimens, 38%
convey negative sentimens, and 3% convey neutral sentimens. The majority of tweets discussing the Khilafah issue
are positive tweets. However, tweets that are popular and have high engagement are negative tweets.
Keywords-sentimen analysis, public debate, caliphate, Twitter.
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