Etika Komunikasi Generasi Z Dan Generasi Milenial Dalam Media Sosial Tiktok


  • Telkom University
  • Telkom University


Problems often faced in the context of social media in Indonesia include the spread of fake news (hoaxes), hate speech,
cyberbullying, and privacy violations. TikTok's popularity among Generation Z and Millennials makes it an ideal
platform to study how these generations understand and apply communication ethics in the digital era. The research
method used is a descriptive qualitative research method. Overall, This study reveals the differences in views between
Millennials and Generation Z regarding communication ethics on TikTok and its impact on social interactions.
Millennials emphasize honesty, accuracy, and social responsibility, while Generation Z prioritizes authenticity and
emotional connectedness, sometimes at the expense of accuracy. Both generations show a high awareness of the
importance of respecting individual rights and dignity. The impact of ethical violations includes a decline in reputation
and quality of interactions. Awareness-raising efforts through education, creative campaigns, and effective content
moderation are considered important by both. TikTok has a crucial role to play in supporting and enforcing ethical
communication standards on the platform.

Keywords-communication ethics, generation z, millennial generation, TikTok


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Program Studi S1 Ilmu Komunikasi