Persepsi Dialek Bahasa Batak Dalam Pandangan Orang Sunda (studi Etnografi Komunikasi Pada Mahasiswa Sunda Fakultas Komunikasi Dan Bisnis Universitas Telkom)


  • Osliner Siringo Ringo Telkom University


Dialect is a variation of a particular language that is spoken by a set of speakers in a community language. Dialect can be a tool to differentiate a different culture. Own language are manifold, associated with various cultures possessed by the community. Therefore, use of languages and dialects in the society will not be separated from the role of the language used by the members. This study aims to determine how the perception of the Sundanese in seeing usage Batak dialect by Batak student at the Faculty of Business Communication, University of Telkom. This research is qualitative Interpretive with ethnographic study method of communication. The data used were obtained from the results of in-depth interviews, observation and theory that aims to answer the question or focus existing research. In the results of this study have been described how students' perceptions of Sunda in view of Batak dialect use by students Medan based element of the context of the process of communication and interpretation of the meaning of language variations are formed from sub-tribes in the Batak culture. The survey results revealed that the interaction in the context of the communication process a lot happening on the campus of the Faculty of Business Communication. Not only on campus, in an environment of daily life too much invented by the Sunda students. By doing so, students who initially experienced culture shock when listening to students speak loudly terrain began to get used to and adapt to the situation. In fact, because they often see firsthand the communication interaction between students Medan, make Sunda students know and understand the culture of Batak. So between Sunda and Batak no misunderstandings or misskomunikasi happened.

Keywords: Dialect Batak, dialect perception, communication, language variation Batak, Social Interaction.






Program Studi S1 Ilmu Komunikasi