Analisis Kinerja Pelayanan Kesehatan Di Puskesmas Kota Tasikmalaya Berdasarkan Perspektif Pelanggan


  • Mohamad Hidayat Telkom University
  • Jafar Sembiring Telkom University


The City of Tasikmalaya projecting one of the local health centers in the district Purbaratu to be a Public Service Agency (PSA). Before changing the status into PSA, it takes a step to accelerate the performance evaluation of improving the status of local health center in the city of Tasikmalaya into PSA. The latest government regulations for assessing the performance of public services have been set forth by the Decree of the Minister of Administrative Reform No. 25/KEP/M.PAN/2/2004 dated February 24, 2004. This decree contains guidelines for the community satisfaction index for government service agencies. By using these guidelines, a collecting data method conducted through questionnaires. The results is obtained 130 valid questionnaires. From the data processing expectations variables obtained an average score of 3.22 expectations and the average score of 2.57 reality. The average score of this fact illustrates the performance of services "Good" because the score is above 2.51 and below 3.25. The results are then processed according to the methods Importance-Performance Analysis. Through a gap analysis, obtained an average score of 0.64 total gap. There are some elements which are then entered into quadrant top priority to overhaul. Some of these elements include the responsibility of service personnel, environmental comfort, and the reasonableness of the service charge. Recommendations that can be done such as providing employee training, complementary service facilities, and cooperate with third parties to secure funding. Keywords—City of Tasikmalaya, Health, ImportancePerformance Analysis, Performance Evaluation.






Program Studi S2 Manajemen