The Use of New Media In Herbal Medicine Selling (The Case Study of Acne Medicine And Slimming Herbal Selling On @schonlabs Instagram Account)


  • Anisa Sonia Fatmawati Adha Telkom University
  • Maylanny Christin Telkom University


Abstract - One of the effects of the internet development that is currently much demanded by the internet users is social media. Social Media is an online media that serves to be able to exchange information, in the form of text, images, sound and video. There have been many social medias that provide the same facilities, one of which is instagram that is lately visited by social media users. With its simple fiture, instagram is widely used by the users to make an online purchase or transaction, and perform certain promotions. Based on these reasons, this study was made in order to know about the process of online transactions for multiple products from one of the instagram account. This study used a qualitative approach, a case study by placing the owner and the consumer as the subject under study. The owner and the consumers are selected as informants because they are directly related and considered the most informants have enough information on this research. The discussion of this study examines the aspects of herbal medicine sales by online social media through some analysis units that transact online, the owner and the consumer. The data was collected by direct observation and in-depth interviews. The results showed most of the informants said that herbal medicine online shop on instagram account @schonlabs is effective, time-saving, safe and easy in processing the transaction.

Keywords: online transactions, instagram, social media






Program Studi S1 Ilmu Komunikasi