Segmentasi Pasar Turisme Di Yogyakarta: Klasifikasi Gaya Hidup Wisatawan Domestik


  • Agnessia Mega Cahyani Andri Saputri Telkom University
  • Devilia Sari Telkom University


Abstrak Segmentasi pasar pariwisata dianggap sebagai alat pemasaran yang penting untuk menciptakan strategi pemasaran yang efektif dalam bidang pariwisata. Studi ini menyelidiki tentang perbedaan dalam gaya hidup wisatawan domestic yang berpotensi mempengaruhi pemilihan tujuan liburan mereka. Penelitian ini menggunakan komponen segmentasi gaya hidup berdasarkan Activity, Interest, Opinion (A.I.O) untuk mengukur tipologi gaya hidup psikografis wisatawan domestic yang berkunjung ke Jogja. Analisis factor data mengidentifikasi 5 faktor gaya hidup, yang selanjutnya dianalisis menggunakan analisis kluster. Analisis klaster mengungkapkan tiga jenis wisatawan domestic: Metropolis Culture Aspiring, Self-Quality Explore dan Aspiring Vactioners. Ketiga kelompok tersebut dibandingkan melalui Uji-Chisquare untuk analisis independen berdasarkan jenis serta profil demografi wisatawan domestic. Perbedaan signifikan ditemukan anatara tiga kelompok tersebut dalam jenis kelamin, usia, pendidikan terakhir, dan pekerjaan. Kata Kunci: Tourism Segmentation, Psychographic Lifestyle, A.I.O, Cluster Analysis.

Abstract Segmentation of the tourism market is considered an important marketing tool for creating effective marketing strategies in the tourism sector. This study investigates the differences in the lifestyle of domestic tourists that have the potential to influence the choice of their vacation destinations. This study uses a component of lifestyle segmentation based on Activity, Interest, Opinion (A.I.O) to measure the psychology lifestyle typology of domestic tourists visiting Jogja. Factor data analysis identified 5 lifestyle factors, which were then analyzed using cluster analysis. Cluster analysis reveals three types of domestic tourists: Metropolis Culture Aspiring, Self-Quality Explore and Aspiring Vactioners. The three groups were compared through the Chisquare Test for independent analysis based on type and demographic profile of domestic tourists. Significant differences were found between the three groups in gender, age, last education, and occupation. Keyword: Tourism Segmentation, Psychographic Lifestyle, A.I.O, Cluster Analysis. ______________________________________________________________________






Program Studi S1 Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis