Factors Affecting The Adoption of E-logistics in Indonesian E-Commerce Industry Using TOE Framework


  • Yudi Iskandar Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Telkom Bandung
  • Gadang Ramantoko Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Telkom Bandung


This study aims to determine the factors of E-Logistic adoption in E-Commerce industry in Indonesia. Factors in
the TOE Framework such as Technology, Organization and the environment are used, with respondents eCommerce

companies included in kateori / sector Classified Ads, Marketplace, Online Retail and Logistics.
Analysis and data processing in this research is Partial Least Square (PLS) with unit analysis. The data collects
using questionnaires that related to variables and indicators influencing E-Logistic adoption. The results of the
analysis of these factors proved to accept adoption of E-Logistic technology with R-Square value of 0.873. With
a 95% significance level, each independent variable has a Tvalue > T - table value with the overall path coefficient.
The theoretical contribution of this research is to verify the findings of previous studies, most of which qualitative
research, in the form of indicators on those factors that could have implications for the adoption of E-Logistics,
particularly in the E-Commerce industry in Indonesia.





