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The world is currently entering the era of the fourth industrial revolution which is often referred to the Industrial Revolution 4.0. To adapt with the new era, it is necessary to encourage various updates and betterments in all aspects of life. In this era, disruption becomes an inevitable thing. Thus, innovation absolutely needs to be done so as not being eroded by the rapid advances in this century. Along with the new era, a phenomenon called as disruptive innovation is currently coming up and creating various upheavals in the community. Disruptive innovation is a consequence of the presence of a transformation phase in the application of digital technology. Disruptive innovation can be shortly defined as an innovation creating the emergence of new markets that can also disrupt the existence and sustainability of existing markets due to new business cultures and models as the results of many changes in utilization of digital technology. Disruptive innovation causes significant changes in the social and economic life of society. There will be a lot of shifts due to the loss of various occupations that are replaced by technology.
On the other hand, the United Nations has determined Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) containing seventeen development goals, including the goals of no poverty and reduced inequalities. The objectives are then set out in more detail as the inclusive and sustainable development that encourages economic growth to be able to alleviate poverty, reduce inequality, create jobs and provide a safe livelihood for the community. Thus, inclusive development can be defined as a development that provides equitable benefits for the entire community without any parties who are harmed by other parties.
Disruptive innovation and inclusive development at a glance look like two sides of conflicting things. However, both of them actually can go in accordance if all parties work hard, synergize, and support the collective commitment to find solutions to the existing problems. An innovation that can lead to the goodness is the one supported by a synergistic digital ecosystem. The ecosystem is a set of several components that work together in a system. Thus, the essence of a harmony between disruptive innovation and inclusive development is a solid synergy among all stakeholders to build a digital ecosystem.
The 9th Sustainable Collaboration in Business, Technology, Information and Innovation (SCBTII) 2018 is a forum that provides an opportunity for all stakeholders to discuss and convey ideas those are relevant to the current Industrial Revolution 4.0 era. This is an effort to achieve a synergy in the form of a solid digital ecosystem towards inclusive and sustainable development in accordance with the Penta Helix concept which includes five important components, namely government, private sector, social organizations, education, and citizens.
e-ISSN:Â 2621-3192