Factors That Affecting Employees Career In Directorate Of Human Capital Management PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk


  • Romles Simanjuntak Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Telkom, Bandung
  • Jafar Sembiring Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika, Republik Indonesia


The level of employee satisfaction in PT. TELKOM classified as "satisfied" with the average value on 71,08%.
Telkom employee satisfaction level in 2015 increased compared to the level of employee satisfaction in 2014.
However, if traced in indicators that make up the satisfaction level of employees it can be seen that career,
promotion, training and capacity building of employees occupying the smallest percentage of engaged
employees who make up the level that is equal to 62.63% and 64.19%. This value is certainly interesting to be
given one of the important factors that affect the level of employee engagement today is heavily influenced by
the career that is designed by the company through a management career.
This study will analyze the factors that influence employee career in Directorate of Human Capital Management.
The population is all employees of the Directorate of Human Capital Management, amounting to 62 employees
and as well as a sample for this study as a whole. Data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression with
two independent variables and the dependent variable. The independent variables in this study are
organizational career management and individual career management, while the dependent variable is the
career path. Data is collected using online questionnaires filled out by 62 employees as respondents.
The results showed that organizational career management and individual career management simultaneously
in positive influential and significant to career path of employees at the Directorate of HCM PT. Telkom
Indonesia, Tbk. Organizational career management partially positive and significant impact on the careers of
employees. Individual career management also partially positive and significant impact on the careers of
employees. Based on descriptive analysis Career Development became the most important components in
variable Organizational Career Management while for individual career management Networking component
becomes the most important thing. In addition to the variable career, career opportunities become very
important dimension for the employees of the Directorate of HCM PT. Telkom Indonesia, Tbk.





