Puppetry Performing Art Role In Mental Development Of The Indonesian In The Era Of Globalization


  • Donny Trihanondo Telkom University
  • Didit Endriawan Telkom University


One of Indonesia's cultural heritage that is still preserved up to date is the art of puppet show. Puppetry already widely known in Indonesia, and even abroad, with some people sees that puppet show is an interesting art. However, some people sees puppet performance as a boredom. Apart from the two sides, reviewing from history, the puppetry was an effective medium of propaganda in the early spread of Islam in Indonesia.
Walisongo had made a puppet show and art as two things that are inseparable in the spread of Islam in Indonesia. The results of the religious revolution conducted by Walisongo with peace are the positive impacts of acculturation, now 90% of the 240 million population in Indonesia are Muslims. The problem today is the proportion of the quantity to quality. Does the method that delivers moral messages through art puppet show is still effective? This the main concern of this research.
Keywords: performing arts, puppet, Walisongo, Islam, globalization


