Design Of Educational Game About Tourism Of Bandung For Elementary Students


  • Sugiat, Maria Apsari Telkom University
  • Arumsari, Rizki Yantami Telkom University


Now days, Bandung has became one of the most favorite local destination which always visited by tourists, especially during weekend and holiday. However, not all kind of attractions have the same number of tourist arrivals. For example, the number of visitor for educational attractions is fewer than shopping mall or nature attractions. One of the reason why they do not visit educational attractions, because its not really attractive especially for young people and children. There are many ways have been done by the government tourism officer to attract the attention of tourist, especially the tourist from Bandung to visit some educational attractions. They have been trying to use some of the media. But, still need a media to attract their attention, especially for the elementary students, to make them want to come and visit some of the educational attractions in Bandung. Games are one of the effective media to approach elementary students, it can be assumed that the "play while you learn" concept will not forced the players to be educated to know educational attractions in Bandung. The methods that used are visual observation, open questionnaire, interview, documentation, and literature study. The game that we designed is an educational game about tourism in Bandung, in this game the player will meet 6 educational attractions around Bandung area and 3 attractions nearby Bandung area. After playing this game, we hope the players will apprehend the moral values, considering any information that has been given, and have a desire to become more familiar with the city, especially the educational tourist objects.

Keywords: Design, Educational, Games, Tourism, Bandung


