Representation of Power In A Smartphone (Semiotic Analysis of Smartphone Culture in Watch Dog Game)


  • Daniel Kurniawan Universitas Kristen Petra
  • Ryan P. Sutanto Universitas Kristen Petra


This is a research contains analysis and case study on visual communication design, especially in game design. Game has become a visual activity that gives meaningful experience for the player in relation to its narrative and culture. The research method of this research is using qualitative interpretative based on semiotic model which contains sign systems were divided into denotation or connotation. This signs produces meaning and post–modern hyperreality. The data were gathered by playing Watch Dog game and taking relevant screenshots which represents a meaningful review in a relation with the use of smartphone as a main weapon in the game. The elements of the game were interpreted by the researchers as an interpretation based on the social interaction which happens in our modern society.


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