Various Decorative Leaf Tendrils On Batik Datulaya In Paradox Perspective
Decorative vine leaves during the spread of Islam in Indonesia, developed not only in buildings but in batik, design of batik Datulaya including one with a decorative vine leaf development. Datulaya is the meaning of the words, Datu meaning prince, laya means shelter, which means the place of residence / family room layout in the Sultanate of Banten. Batik Datulaya seen through the perspective of a paradox, having seen meaning of the pattern machete / diagonal. The inclined plane is a pattern of significant antagonistic duality paradox. The paradox can be seen through the basic patterns of relationships with existing systems, so that the pattern contained in this batik there are a lot of division, here it is clear that the batik makers want to show the power of the region.
Keywords: Aesthetic Paradox, Batik, Batik Banten Datulaya, Vine Leaf Ornament.