Organizational Behaviour in Higher Education Institution: What is the Dominant Factor in Telkom University?


  • Ida Nurnida Telkom University
  • Ai Lili Yuliati Telkom University
  • Cut Irna Setiawati Telkom University
  • Titin Rini Kartini Telkom University


Currently the number of Human Development Index (HDI) Indonesia is still very low, ranks 108th out of 187 countries. One of the important steps is of course the increase of Indonesian HDI through education, especially higher education. The World Bank argues that higher education in Indonesia has not been able to deliver the expected results because of institutional university-college still "connected" with other institutional at the core of the system, mainly occur between universities and industry, institutional research, and intercollegiate itself in Research (research). Of the 100 universities, Scopus noted only about 50 productive colleges. There are eight main dimensions of higher education that will be closely related to the institution of related universities, both in the design of formal and informal interaction, including organizational behaviour (organizational behaviour) as one of the important aspects of an institution. Judging from the level of explanation or explanation level, this type of research belongs to descriptive research using quantitative method or approach. The population in this study are all permanent employees of Telkom University. In this research, sampling technique used is Probability Sampling by using Proportionate stratified random sampling. Researchers use sampling designs in probability ways because the sample representation (appropriate sample for investigative research) is important in the context of wider generalizations. Sampling is done after the population is stratified, then the sample members of each strata are drawn using a simple random sampling procedure or systematic sampling. This research uses factor analysis. As a result of this research, only 1 new component is formed in this research which shows that 11 factors used in this research are done entirely on 1 new component that is decision making factor. Which represents the organizational design, leadership, teamwork, ethics and corporate governance, entrepreneurship, job satisfaction, motivation, compensation, selection methods, and communication that describe the important things that Telkom University has in organizing life. Based on the resulting loading factor, decision making factor is the most dominant factor that becomes the power of Telkom University to run its institutional activity as a university


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