Study of Effecttiveness Meanign The Message In The Ad (Case Study Tri Advertisement "Ubah Dengan Bicara" Version on Youtube)


  • Adisti Meisya Junanda Telkom University
  • Ilhamsyah Ilhamsyah Telkom University


Social media interactions affect the people of Indonesia at certain moments, such as the days of religious communities. In these moments, especially Ramadan and Eid Mubarok Requires us to greering and silahturahim. Because Indonesia people have usually communicating with social media, so they keep using social media as a medium to express the calues of friendship worship were deemd musch less bring out the emotional side of the actualization of the expressio of fraternity. In this important moment, Tri(read: Three) aware of his phenomenon, they launch advertisement in social media Youtube during Ramadan and Eid, indrectly there are ideas that invested in Tri UbahDenganBicara advertisment 'Mantan' version and 'Mother'. Two of these ads receive cultural themes greeting each other, which is actualization a form of fraternity expression in Indonesian society. By using qualitative research and analysis methods of visual semiotics in surgical problems related to social life, which is expected to benefit as input and consideration for the public to capture and interpret the message. and are expected to provide awareness to the people to talk to each other in solving problems and can get insight in the field of advertising, praticularly knowledge about the meaning of the advertising message in an advertisement.

keywords: Advertising, Social Media, Communication.


