A Mapping Of Bandung Contemporary Artist, Based On A Postmodern Paradigm Of Creation Process: An Exploration Of The Impact Of The Mapping To The Teaching Material, Course Creations And Methods Of Arts
Bandung artists have a considerable role in the development of art in Indonesia. Bandung artist shows a typical pattern creation process and differential in every generation. In the era of contemporary art, while categorization in art was collapsed, the Bandung artist shows its existence with fresh works. Each trace is summed up in the work of art that span a variety of styles and media. In addition to the strong influence of art school in Bandung, it produce artists who are not only proficient in the processing of the material but also excellent in concept. The method of this research is qualitative with postmodernism aesthetics and art creation process closure. The goal of this research is to mapping the art creation of Bandung based group of artists in the contemporary art paradigm, to be a reference of teaching materials on the subject of Art Creation Methode. Creative process of artists performed on an ongoing basis can be categorized as a method of work which if drawn further be understood as a process of scientific research. I hope that this research as a theoretical basis can added value in art education in Indonesia.
Keywords : Mapping, methoder, art creation, contemporary art.