Geometric Ornaments Synthesis in Chinese Mosque


  • Tri Wahyu Handayani Telkom University
  • Tita Cardiah Telkom University


The  mosque  is  a  building  of  worship  for  Muslims  who  generally  have  to  accommodate  many pilgrims. Islamic architecture has characteristics and particular ornaments that are often found in the mosque, which are: calligraphy, geometry and arabesque. While the Chinese architecture also has characteristics and peculiarities featuring ethnic ornaments, which are: geometry, figural shapes and colors. The development of Islamic  adherents  of  ethnic  Chinese  in  Indonesia,  led  to  speculation  whether  the  characteristics  of  Chinese architectural ornament is also applied in the mosques which they built in an attempt to melt prior belief. The research methods used in this research is qualitative methods and visual observation. Then do a comparative study, to look for the characteristics of ornament as a form of acculturation of Chinese culture that developed in Indonesia. Historically, several mosques in Java contain formations and ornaments of Hindu philosophy. The  aim  of  the  study  indicate  that  synthesis  between  two  cultures  geometry  ornaments  enrich  the  mosque style in Indonesia. 

Keywords: Mosque, Ornaments, Chinese, Geometry 


