Study Of Video Tutorials On The Increased Interest In Reading Among High School Students In Field Of Fine Arts In Denpasar
Education aims to develop the potential that exists and also a place to improve the skills and mindset to be able to sustain human life in the future and bring a positive attitude changes according to the culture adopted by the environment. Indonesia is one country that has a large enough number of people who turned out to have problems in the field of education is low interest in reading that occur among learners. Several attempts have been made by the government to increase the passion to read. The results obtained are still far from satisfactory in an effort to foster reading craze. Another effort is the growing use of multimedia as a medium for student learning. One form is the video tutorial. The purpose of this study is to get an idea of the interest in reading and video tutorials art subjects and the relationship between the video tutorials with an interest in reading among high school students and SMK in Denpasar. The method used is descriptive quantitative questionnaire on SMA and SMK students in Denpasar. The analysis used is descriptive statistics. The results showed that reading is strongly influenced by the interests owned by the student to the art subjects. The use of audio-video tutorials on the video quite inspiring them to understand the fine art subjects. It can be seen from the average value of a media strategy that looks so deserves to be developed. In testing the media, it appears that the use of video tutorials do not have a significant impact after airing among high school students. The same thing happens among vocational students. So the need for new ideas for the design of media to an increase in students' interest towards art subjects.
Keywords: Education, Video Tutorials, Interests, Interests Read