The Kitchen Stage Activities: Reflecting Collaboration And Mobilization Of Cultural Resources
It has been widely known that the spirit of collaborations recently has become prevalent in the midst of creative movements. As the capital ‗X‘ is usually flanked between the names of two groups (or more) symbolizing the special collaboration, it becomes a powerful booster for their identity. Keuken festival (as the concrete case of this study) has been held for the five times—the organizer are still working for the six; which criticize inadequacy of public space with the encouragement of the inhabitants of Bandung city to appreciate the value of public space. In order to urge the message behind the festival widely, organizing committee has frequently collaborated with many groups, individuals, and brands in the vessel of creative works in festival. Not only in the tangible works that could be seen such as merchandise, goods, booths, but also in the form of intangible such as cooking activities and music performances. Focusing on the Kitchen Stage as a main area, this article tries to elucidate how the collaboration works that symbolized in ‗X‘ letter are not only done by main actors, in fact, the visitors or supporters have obliquely involved in the midst of the making process that are regarded as sub -actors. On the other side, each actor has mobilized their capital to accumulate, transform and eventually reproduce into new entities under particular circumstances. In the end, general conclusion is drawn to describe the density of assimilation of two or more entities as interpretation beyond what has been performed within the societies.
Keywords: Festival, Collaboration, Design, Culture, Mobilization