Identity Design And Promotional Media Of Batik Beasan Cianjur


  • Awang Irawiyanta Nugraha Putra Telkom University
  • Yanuar Rahman Telkom University


Batik  is  an intangible  heritage  and the native  cultural  arts  of Indonesia ..  In present  now,  batik popularity  is  not only among  the people  of Indonesia  but  also to foreign  countries.  In preserving  cultural heritage, the Indonesian government has done some real action, including the establishment  of National Batik Day in conjunction with the same statement by UNESCO; the regulation using batik on certain days and held special  exhibitions  for batik..  Typical batik from Cianjur,  named Beasan was still  not widely known by the public.  The lack of promotion  and publication  of batik  Beasan  Cianjur can be an economic  drawback  for batik's  employers  and community  in Cianjur.  Therefore,  one of the solution  is to design a good identity  of batik  beasan,  along  with  sets  of promotional  media  that  can help  the  development  of batik  Beasan  to be recognized  in wider society, moreover, in long term it can preserve  batik Beasan  from extinction,  hopefully people can also get to know about the philosophy  and motto of Cianjur.  Through field observation method on the batik craftsmen and batik community,  library research  and interviews to craftsmen and community,  the necessary  data has been obtained  as the basis for designing  identity and promotional  media. The process  of communication  and creative  concepts  in promoting  batik  Beasan  to the public,  is  expected  to make  batik Beasan widely known and can increase the public's great interest for the culture of Cianjur.


Keywords:  batik,  beasan, culture,  heritage,  identity


