Small and Medium Enterprise Website (Case Study : Lahat Union)


  • Fatma Riani Politeknik PalcomTech
  • Eka Hartati STMIK PalcomTech


The development of small and medium lenterprises (UKM) in facing regional and global markets should  be  based  on  continous  and  sustainable  enterprise  in  order  to  deveop  UKM  as  excellent  enterprise. Individual  approach  to  UKM  group  usually  can  not  comprehend market opportunity (share) because of no promotion  facility  in  form  of  website.  The  objective  of  UKM  Cooperation  website  development  was  to provide facility that can be accessed by many community members.  The method used in this research was Waterfall and the results was UKM Cooperation website. This website can comprehend market opportunity, as  business  network  and  as  opportunity  for  UKM.  This  in  turn  can  optimize  human  resource  and  natural resources, expand job opportunity, increase productivity and produce economic added value for UKM.     

Keywords : Small and Medium enterprises, Waterfall, Cooperation  


