Indonesian Contemporary Art and Rise of Asia


  • Kiki Rizky Soetisna Putri ITB
  • Setiawan Sabana ITB
  • Ira Adriati ITB
  • Tjetjep Rohendi Rohidi Universitas Negeri Semarang


Indonesian  contemporary  art  over  its  historical  range  has  undergone  many  dynamics.  The  most significant  has  been  seen  from  the  contrast  between  the  two,  Bandung’s  and  Jogjakarta’s  cultural phenomenon and sociological environment, which are both dominant in the history of Indonesia’s art scene. The differences were seen including in the depiction of the artwork, the creative process and the mechanism formed  between  the  artist  and  the  social  field  of  art  in  general.  This  research  specifically  describes  the dynamic  in  the  social  field  of  Indonesia  art,  which  has  significantly  occurred  at  the  beginning  of  the  new millennium to the present time. The revival of the Asian economic region brings culture including Indonesian art at the most advanced stage in the history. Interdisciplinary phenomenological approach used in this study to analyze the effects of the rise of Asia as an anthropological and sociological phenomenon of contemporary Indonesian art world. 

Keywords: History, Contemporary Art, Asia, Phenomenology    


