Go Green Folding Bags As The Substitute Of Plastic Bags


  • Pratiwi Kusumowardhani State Polytechnic of Creative Media Jakarta


Plastic waste is a certain old plastic containers that are not used anymore and then discarded by users. It takes tens until hundreds of years to decompose plastic waste well. Moreover, It will take 1000 years to decompose plastic waste perfectly. It is a very long time. A plastic bag is popular when it is used at supermarket in some cities. Based on the fact and information that plastic waste is dangerous. The government focuses on socialization and education to implement the policy of paid plastics in 23 cities that is regulated on the letter from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry General Directorate of Dangerous and Toxic Waste Management No. S.1230 / PSLB3-PS / 2016 about the Price and Mechanism Implementation of Paid Plastic Bags. This policy will encourage some alternatives to substitute the use of plastic bags, one of them is go green folding bags. This bag is an alternative shopping bag that can be a choice because it is slight, easy to fold, enough for many stuff, and easy to bring in a bag or a pocket. The methodology of this research is a qualitative analysis based on literature sources with descriptive analysis. In this research, the writer limits design analysis folding bags in Indonesia and China. By product analysis comprehensively based on Mayall 's and Kotler's theory, output this research will be the first reference to design go green folding bags as an alternative to substitute the use of plastic bags for the next project.

Keywords : Plastic bags, Go green, Folding bags


