Customers Attitude, Subjective Norm And Action Due To Unsatisfaction Service From Starry Hotel
Palembang City will conduct several national and international scale events in the near future. The decrease of tourist numbers who visit to Palembang City is an important issue for the writer to conduct the study related to events implementation in Palembang City in order to determine the way of successful events implementation which subsequently can increase tourist numbers visit in 2017. Competition is very sharp today has an impact on all business sectors. Given this competition the company is required to continuously improve performance especially the starry hotel should selected as good place to stay. The research objective was to determine the effect of attitude and subjective norm on customers complaining intention at starry hotels in Palembang City. This research was conducted at starry 4-5 hotels in Palembang City. Samples used in this study was 200 respondents by using non-probability sampling with purposive sampling. Data compilation was done through questioners distribution. Data was analyzed by using double regression analysis. The results showed that attitude and subjective norm had positive and significant effects on customers complaining intention at starry hotels in Palembang City. Starry hotels in Palembang City should give the best services for customers so that attitude and subjective norm of customers became positive which in turn decrease the customers complaining intention. Thus, attitude and subjective norm had significant effect on complaining intention.
Keywords: Hotel, Attitude, Subjective Norm, Complaining Intention