A Study on Applicability of Sound Art as Therapy for Alzheimer's Patients


  • Kamal Sabran Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)
  • Norfadilah Kamaruddin Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
  • Ismail Lasa Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH)
  • Norfarizah Mohd Bakhir Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)


As Alzheimer's disease increases around the world with still no absolute medication to solve the problem, art has become the alternative treatment. Nevertheless, with sound art exploring public spaces to exhibit, and seen as not too distant from conventional art approach such as music therapy, the use of sound art is still not fully utilized to support a healthy environment in Alzheimer's care centres. This study aims to explore the applicability of sound art, a new medium of therapy for Alzheimer's patients. This project has investigated the issues, nature, and reasons that arise through literature reviews, pilot studies, observations and conducted interviews. In particular, it has focused on identifying the potential of sound characteristics, components and elements of sound art making. Views and opinions obtained from this method were used as data to form a prototype. This model has been tested on Alzheimer's patients as respondents in order to observe their perceptions, usability and affectivity. Finally, the data that gathered was analysed. Results from this research benefits the field of sound art in terms of new knowledge. The outcome of the project includes the identification of therapeutic elements for sound art making and the empirical evaluation of its applicability use for Alzheimer's patients.


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