Recontextualization Audio Visual In Film Warkop DKI 70s Chips Into Warkop DKI Reborn (2016)


  • Kurniawan Akhmad Muzaki Telkom University
  • Anggar Erdhina Adi Telkom University


This research discusses audio video recontextualization of 1970s Warkop DKI movies into 2016's Warkop DKI Reborn. Both movies have contextual similarity in which the latter repeat the context of the former. The purpose of the research is to find out the characteristics and contextualization in terms of audio and visuall, by using qualitative research method with descriptive analysis that draws comparison of audio and visual data of both movies. The theories employed in the research include: recontextualization, theory of comedy in movies, and theory of audio. As the result, there is an effort to recontextualize 1970s Warkop DKI movies into Warkop DKI Reborn to adjust with the 2016 era. Therefore, the result of the research shows the attempts of maintaining the audio-visual characteristics of both movies, more specifically by representation of 1970s audio video tenets to the reproduction of the same movie in 2016.


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