Umbrella-Canopy as an Icon of Braga Permai Restaurant in Bandung
Braga Permai restaurant is well known as one of heritage buildings in Bandung. Through times, the building has been going through renovations which have changed the general form and facade, preserving the umbrella-canopies at the outdoor seating area as an icon. The intention of keeping this iconic exterior element comes from the restaurant management as the umbrella-canopies have been popular as the building landmark since its renovation in 1923. In addition, the restaurant has also started to use the image of the umbrella-canopy on the menu books and website. Nevertheless, do people today still perceive the image of those canopies as iconic as they were in the previous time? Through quantitative approach accompanied by questionnaires, this paper aims to find what people perceive as an icon of Braga Permai today and how representative the umbrella-canopy is as an icon. As the result, it is found that umbrella-canopy is perceived as an icon not merely by architectural design, but also by a supporting contribution of visual graphic.Referensi
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