Response Santri Putri Assalam Solo for TV Commercial Fashion Product


  • Ahmad Adib Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Deny Tri Ardianto Universitas Sebelas Maret


Assalam is one of Islamic Boarding School at Solo, Indonesia. Santri Putri Assalam as student of the school, like youth like female as other youth in their age, have interest on fashion product. Different with youth that learned in normal school, santri putri Assalam have the rules about all of their life in Islam ways, included fashion . As an agent of dakwah, they must learning how to choice fashion as like their rules, but as a youth they want to use stylish products, the trending fashions nowadays. They have example for the fashion from TV commercial. This article describe about response the student for TV commercial fashion products by AIDA method. The result from analyze are: 1) creativity from TV commercial fashion products successful to delivering Santri Putri Assalam by persuasive words contents and the stunning idea, 2) impact of TV commercial fashion products for Santri Putri Assalam not different with youth in general education.


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