Designing Of Aerobic Gymnastics Campaign To Reduce The Risk Of Dementia In The Early Adulthood


  • Diana Fajar Rahmawati Telkom University
  • Sonson Nurusholih Telkom University


The prevalence of dementia sufferers is directly proportional to life expectancy. The higher life expectancy, then the likelihood of dementia are also high. In the city of Bandung, life expectancy exceeds the National life expectancy, so that estimated an increased amount of dementia can occur a few years to come. If in general dementia occurs at around the age of 60 years, yet a study mentions that the early adulthood can also be exposed to disease or dementia, called with the phenomenon of 'Pikun Usia Dini’ indicated as early symptoms of dementia or early onset dementia (Young Onset Dementia). The lifestyle is one of the risk factors of the occurrence of dementia at an early age. Aerobic gymnastics regularly can reduce the risk of the development of the onset of dementia. Aerobic gymnastics can stimulate the cells of neurons in the brain become active. At the beginning of adulthood with normal body fitness level, can do mix impact aerobics. Method study of the literature, observation, interview, questionnaire and analysis matrix, and communication strategy The Facets Model of Effects used to convey information about the solutions reduce the risk of dementia through aerobic gymnastics and the determination of the medium used. The form of media event, ambient, posters, videos and other supporting media. The benefits of this campaign was to inform the dangers of dementia and aerobic gymnastics as a prevention efforts through a series of campaign strategies.


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