Board Games As A New MediaTo Local Geniuses Narratives Case Study: Board Game Project Based On Astrological System Of Kolenjer


  • Dimas Krisna Aditya Telkom University
  • Moh. Isa Pramana Koesoemadinata Telkom University
  • Syarip Hidayat Telkom University
  • Taufiq Wahab Telkom University


Many critics and questions frequently asks in comics (or any popular cultures’) events about where does Indonesian legends, myths and other local geniuses go in this modern era’s generations. There also a strong tendency from some critics, who blamed foreign popular cultures characters popularity for young generations’ unawareness about our local narrations. The actual cause is because the new generations feels uninterested with how these local narratives told in old fashioned ways. Meanwhile, the old generations thinks that the right way to reintroduce the narratives is follow the old paths which, they also didn’t notice why it should be done in that way. For years, our Visual Communication Program in School of Creative Industry of Telkom University develops an ethno-identity studies method to reintroduce our local narrations in a new media, such as board game. Board game itself is more traditional than electronics devices based games, which still popular without leaving the social aspects such as gathering peoples and build in group feelings among the players. With using qualitative research methods like literacy studies, interviews and also being active participants as board game players and tutor, this research aims to develop a formulation to reinterpret ancient or traditional local narrations into a more modern form such as board game. For the pilot projects the researchers try to reintroduce ‘Kolenjer’, a traditional Sundanese Baduy astrological artifact by adapting it into enjoyable board game without violating the basic values from the artifact itself.


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