Keris Symbols in The Emblem and Brand Logo


  • Handriyotopo Handriyotopo Indonesian Institute of the Arts in Surakarta
  • Lono Lastoro Simatupang Universitas Gajah Mada


The Keris as a result of Indonesian culture that existed in the archipelago was born since this ancestor experienced a cultural change from agrarian culture to metallurgical culture that synergize with human behavior. As a worthy artifact, keris has a personal philosophy value for the wearer, where the keris contains elements of prestige result of the wrought process is quite complicated. If modern civilization the keris disappears from the nation's cultural behavior is due to the process of cultural hegemony outside and erodes the value of the local culture. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach to analyze the function of keris icon in the symbol or brand in hermeunitic and interpret it in semiotic. So that the current keris interpreted as a symbolic visual element, then the form of a keris that curves and kris straight into the aesthetic elements of the logo or symbol in it. From several symbols or logos showing positive values have a strong philosophy of spirit and unity in the symbols of provinces and districts in Indonesia. Similarly there is the national army corps like corps Marines, symbols in the world of sports such as martial arts and exist in the college logo. But there are other things as a symbol element that is worth the economic identity, as in the brand Batik Keris, and also on other brands in the realm of postmodernism contains elements of capital.


Dharsono, The Revitalization of Values of Cultural Precepts

in Traditional Javanese Arts, Arts and Design Studies

Journal. ISSN 2224-6061 (Paper) ISSN 2225-

X (Online) Vol.51, 2017.

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