Exploration of Design Development Borobudur Chair with The Aèng Method (strange)


  • Rahmanu Widayat Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Anung B Studyanto Universitas Sebelas Maret


The Borobudur chair originated from the reconstruction of seat image (two-dimensional) in the Borobudur Temple relief in Central Java Province Indonesia. This reconstruction process produces a replica of Borobudur Chair and has redesigned the chair with wangun or indah concept (Javanese beauty concept). In the Javanese context culture, the anti-thesis of wangun concept is aèng or strange, both come together in the creation of Javanese beauty concept. There are some problems when the Borobudur Seat is explored and developed by various possibilities of design with the aèng method. The aèng method in the Western world is similar to the method of distorted changes (refraction) and destruction and others. As a result, there is a chair that enters into group of artworks. The Borobudur chair as an artwork cannot be judged from the calculation of material prices, a cost of artisans, final settlement, and profit gained. Artwork is appreciated for its beauty that is highly valued by the public, critics, and art collectors. Certainly, the Borobudur Chair design development with the aèng method is still processed. The stages which have to be taken is an exhibition to measure how this work accepted by the society.


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