Developing Indonesian Animation Based on Local Culture
In developing the Indonesian animation, it has a lot of opportunities in using the potential of local culture. The animation creation that referring on the characteristics of traditional arts is the best choice. This study uses a prac- ticebased research. Research procedures conducted in two phases, namely analysis and development/implementation. Analysis involves identifying and studying the research object such as puppet motion, wayang beber, batik, relief of temple as a reference and the creation of animated films. The results of this research showed that a) Indonesian folklore as inspira- tion for animation stories can be explored with new narratives style such as remaking the stories, so it can be relevant with taste and development of the times. b) Elements of traditional arts can be applied in character and environment visualiza- tion, and provide imaginative effects, and c) Movement shadow puppets can be used as a reference animated motion. The development of stories, character designs, and animated movements that refer to the ancestral art tradition is an attempt to discover the uniqueness of Indonesian animation that has a clear base. So that, Indonesian animation can be an identity for the Indonesian people to be different from other nations.Referensi
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