Processing Limbukyu as Supporting Material in Producing Java Furniture


  • Joko Budiwiyanto Indonesia Institute of the Arts in Surakarta
  • Sumarno Sumarno Indonesia Institute of the Arts in Surakarta
  • Siti Badriyah Indonesia Institute of the Arts in Surakarta


The waste of wood powder produced from timber industry has not been utilized optimally, its use is limited for firewood alone. Through the process by formulating with other materials can produce new materials that can be used as a supporting material of furniture industry. This study aims to make a formulation of the utilization of waste wood powder (limbukyu, Javanese) teak as a supporting material of furniture manufacture. This purpose is taken considering the utilization of wood raw materials in Indonesia increasingly scarce. The government also appealed and directed to be more efficient in the utilization of wood materials. Innovation through re-use by reusing useless materials becomes more useful and environmentally friendly is an option. The selection of materials with the concept of re-use will be more advantages, in addition to unique, and efficiency, waste wood powder can be used as a substitute for the main raw materials of teak wood. To achieve the goal required the research methods by using experiments. Data sources are in the form of artifacts, literatures, and informants. The analytical technique uses inter case analysis. The results showed that the use of wood powder waste as an interior supporting material, especially furniture source on the culture of archipelago, such as the backrest, the top of the table, feature wall, wall lamp, ornament, standing lamp can be produced by adjusting the material characteristics.


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