Posyandu: Community’s Temporary Landscape of Healthcare Events


  • Diandra Pandu Saginatari Universitas Indonesia
  • Yandi Andri Yatmo Universitas Indonesia
  • Paramita Atmodiwirjo Universitas Indonesia
  • M. Mirza Y. Harahap Universitas Indonesia


This paper proposes a discussion on the importance of design thinking phase in a healthcare facility design development. The research particularly tries to explore Posyandu as one of commonly known government-initiated healthcare program in Indonesia which aim is to provide healthcare services for babies, children and families. Posyandu is a unique phenomenon because it is a healthcare setting without fix fixtures like other type of healthcare facility. Centralise its existence towards community resourcing, Posyandu is usually held in certain community buildings in a timely manner; practicing a sense of temporality in its eventual existence. Aiming to have a better understanding towards Posyandu's temporality, this research attempt to see Posyandu as a landscape of healthcare events within which healthcare activities, community, medical objects and supporting spatial elements are involved. The study results in a data which reveal what and how spatial elements involved in the events, thus informs us about the temporality of the space where the healthcare events occurred. Through landscape of events, we would then be able to see a temporal characteristic of Posyandu that is more dynamic rather than static. The overall image of the dynamic temporality of Posyandu’s space would then not only give us a representation of how the nature of temporary healthcare space is performed and celebrated but also useful for further design development. This research, including its hypothetical results, offers itself as a creative design approach and as a solid design consideration since the idea of landscape of events that is proposed in this research promises a thorough and fundamentally unique way of thinking. In a broader sense, the result of the study would also help us as architect and/or designer to reposition ourselves towards healthcare architecture that will be suitable for the community.


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