Oat 8 is a biscuit made from Oat. Oat 8 has green beans and almonds variant. Oat 8 has encourage its promotion activities through digital media. From social media, to e-commerce. But, Oat 8 still needs more effort to increase its brand awareness, gain new customers, and reinforce its brand image as a healthy snack. Based on survey by the digital assessment of Oatbits product, Oat 8, that use references from number of fans in each social media, the participants of activation, and use key finding "which brand do you like" shows that the response of Oat 8 from the audience is lowest than its product benchmark. Snacking habit is a common thing to do on the sidelines of work time. Snacking is dominantly done by woman. It caused by emotional and hormonal factors. But their sedentary life, makes the extra calorie intake from food, especially snacks, they are not totally burned by body. In a long term, it will be deposited inside the body that cause the risk of obesity. Thus it needs to make a promotion strategy that linked by health phenomena which is concerns with the prevention of obesity risk with Oat 8 product.Referensi
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