The effectiveness of marketing communication through digital content for startup business (Case Study: Brandish beverage product)


  • Made Devicca Surya Universitas Indonesia
  • Firman Kurniawan Universitas Indonesia


In today's modern era, food and beverages business has grown in Indonesia. The newly established business is called startup business. The number of startup businesses is increasing economic competition in their respective industries. No wonder many new businesses have failed in a short time period. Therefore, a strategy is needed before establishing a business. It should be noted that the strategy used will be implemented to a new business, so it is important to give attention to the awareness of potential consumers with marketing communication strategy. This research will look at the strategy that has been done from startup business company, Brandish, through retail or offline strategy with a rapidly growing strategy today, namely digital content. This research will use qualitative methods. It is important for the startup business owner to know where his business will go. If they think about long-term, then the company must think about a strategy that is far ahead, not just a temporary advantage only. Therefore, this research will focus on long-term company.


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