Wisely Using Gadget for Parents in Family Environment Campaign Design
A gadget is a device that functions primarily to ease human communication. However, nowadays there pretty many people that using gadget unwisely, they are too busy with their own gadget and tends to be neglected their environment roughly. This behavior also occurs in the family environment, which caused some negative effects. One of which is causing increasingly difficult direct interaction between family members. Based on existing research, it required an un- derstanding for the parents in order to understand the negative impact of using gadget excessively. Therefore, it will rise their awareness to change their behavior, so they will understand and become wiser to choose the time when using gadget. This study uses qualitative methods by collecting data through observation, interview, questionnaire, and using the com- munication strategy design Facet Model of Effects afterwards. The consideration of creative strategy is packaged in a visual form that has focus on the child’s feeling when they parents uses gadget too much in front of them, as well as using various medias, among posters, video, and other supporting medias.Referensi
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