D esigning Social Campaign Healthy Life Style for HIV/AIDS Prevention Through Muaythai


  • Fildzah Shabrina Firdaus Telkom University
  • Jiwa Utama Telkom University


The number of those who suffer HIV/AIDS in Indonesia especially in Bandung is gradually increasing eachyear. This was caused by lack of awareness about HIV/AIDS causes, so they are still doing riskythings. Teenagers andearly adulthood are very worrying,because the most number of those who suffer HIV/AIDS is 20-29 years. Their dreamscould be hamperedbecause what they have done. With qualitative method of research, and communication strategyAISAS, it have came to the result that the way to deliver the information and education about HIV/AIDS along with theprevention is by designing a social campaign through living healthy, aims to diverttheir bad activities. The mediascould beformed in such a chain of eventslike public event, video, print-ad, and some of the other proponent medias


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