Semiotics in Advertising As A Way to Play Effective Communications


  • Sri Hesti Heriwati Indonesia Institute of the Arts in Surakarta


Advertising can be regarded as a marketing activity in addition to its function for the means of communicating. Advertising in principle is a product of mass culture and cultural products of industrial society characterized by mass production and consumption. That is, the mass is seen no more as a consumer user. Creating postal interaction as an individual communication activity by using strong signs can be done through advertisement serving. Presentation of communication messages by landing them on an object - in this case advertising or events that are attracting audiences - need to use media accuracy. However the media as a means of communication and a further effect as a self-expression. Any media used can be analyzed not only structurally, but semiotics approach can be used as a form of thorough analysis of the presence of an advertisement. Ad serving will make an interesting topic and impact on effective communication when there is a bandage between the signs that are interconnected. Ads displayed in a particular context on television and attributing ads to semiotics seem to be an interesting trending topic. Some ads display are often not merely product offerings, but embedded certain belief systems and values or cultures have self-esteem. Advertisement for producers is not only a promotional tool of goods or services, but also to offer an image to consumers and potential customers about the products offered. In the context of semiotics, the signs contained in ads display will be studied more deeply to obtain a thorough meaning of an ad display. This study will emphasize the semiotics theory approach supported by Roland Barthes. This writing focuses on the meaning process of the signs appeared in an ad display and is done by giving attention to the meaning of denotative and connotative.


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