Comparative Analysis on Shoelaces Tools Type Magnetic Sho elaces an d Silicone Shoelaces (Case Study: U rban Societies In Early Adult Stages Of Development)
The type of strappy/lace-up shoes have a quite large market range up to nowadays. Along with its high mo-bility as well as supported by the convenience that it is offered to users, sometimes users enforce or modify the usefulnessof shoes itself. Usually this occurs frequently on users within the age of 18-25 years old, or usually called an early adult-hood phase. Mostly unaware, if it is done repeatedly, it can cause trauma to the foot, even to waist and shoulders. Some ofthe innova-tions that are already on the market, such as magnetic Shoelaces and silicone Shoelaces still lacks of itsendurance and strength. The purpose of this analysis to the both of those types of tools is to provide a standard in designingtools in which can simplify the process of wearing strappy/lace-up shoes becomes faster with not forgetting the fittingshoes to the foot itself. The analysis is done using quantitative methods in order to find out the problem in greater depth.On the other hand, this research is analyzed by using comparative method against both types of tools products in order thatthe result of the products can achieve the function that users has expected. The final outcome of this analysis is to produce aguide or term-of-references in designing tools products that can be applied on Shoelaces, which can simplify the process ofusing a strappy/lace-up shoes.Referensi
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