Filigree Jewelry Product Differentiation (Case Study Filigree Kota Gede Yogyakarta)


  • Asep Sufyan Muhakik Atamtajani Product Design, Faculty of Creative Industries, Telkom University, Indonesia


The reason that product design differentiation is important because it maintains a product’s existence last longer in the market and keep the consumer interested into the product. Differentiation means increasing the quality, selling value, and visual value of a product. To develop a product, a creator are trying to create a new, creative, and distinguish product that different with other similar products in the market, in this case is traditional and modern jewelry. Traditional jewelry has its own unique dimension in terms of design process, production techniques, and aesthetic aspects that combine several elements of material. Along with the development of industrialization and market segmentation becomes broader, jewelry becomes an appealing commodity. Time flies and jewelry has shifted from a meaning of self-philosophy of the user into a universal meaning as a consumptive identity in cultural society. Filigree with his trademark can survive by showing its value in the international market. Filigree itself is one of the oldest techniques that have been abandoned for a long period of time because some reasons, especially about the process and other considerations. Kotagede Yogyakarta is one of the cities that still maintain the technique of design process filigree, although until now not a few of the craftsmen have started to spread to other cities.





