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Daftar Tilik Penyerahan Naskah

Penulis yang ingin memasukkan naskah harus memperhatikan poin-poin di bawah ini. Jika naskah tidak sesuai dengan persyaratan yang telah dicantumkan, ada kemungkinan naskah tersebut akan dikembalikan.
  • Naskah belum pernah diterbitkan sebelumnya, dan tidak sedang dalam pertimbangan untuk diterbitkan di jurnal lain (atau sudah dijelaskan dalam Komentar kepada Editor).
  • File naskah dalam format dokumen OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, atau RTF.
  • Referensi yang dapat diakses online telah dituliskan URL-nya.
  • Naskah diketik dengan teks 1 spasi; font 12; menggunakan huruf miring, bukan huruf bergaris bawah (kecuali alamat URL); dan semua ilustrasi, gambar, dan tabel diletakkan dalam teks pada tempat yang diharapkan, bukan dikelompokkan tersendiri di akhir naskah.
  • Naskah mengikuti aturan gaya selingkung dan bibliografi yang disyaratkan dalam Panduan Penulis.

Panduan Penulis

What we look for in your article

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

We consider for publication which:
report original science;
area of interest are of Information Technology, Computer science, Information System, Machine Learning, Data Science, Software Engineering, Cyber Security, Cyber Physical Systems, Real-time Systems, Virtualizations, Modeling & Simulations, Airborne Software, Intelligent Network, IT Security, Deep Learning, Database Systems and IoT.
have not been published previously in the peer-reviewed literature, including in another language,
are not under consideration for publication in any other peer-reviewed journal or book available through a library or by purchase;
JITLIT manuscripts are judged not only on the depth and scope of the ideas presented and their contributions to the field but also on their clarity and whether they can be read and understood

File Types: Word (doc, docx or PDF)
Maximum file size: 2 MB
Font: 10 point, Times New Roman
Text [Including references]: single-spaced, justify
Figures and tables should be embedded at the appropriate point within the text, rather than placed at the end of the manuscript
Use the Mendeley tool to write your citations

Article Structure
Title with the title of the article, author(s) name, title, institution, address, telephone number, and e-mail address
Abstract: Consists of 250 words (maximum) and keywods cover approximately five to seven words.
Research Methodology
Result and Discussion
Conclusion and Recommendation
References: Comply with the IEEE citation style.


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