Advertising Promotion Strategy and Quality of Service Effect Against Customer Loyalty (A Study on Customers of Modern Market in Ciamis Region)


  • Apri Budianto Post-Graduate Management Program Galuh University


This article was focused on the influence of promotional strategies of thrust and quality of service on customer
loyalty to customers of modern market in Ciamis region. This article was backwarded by the increasing number
of modern market customers caused by advertising promotion strategies and quality of service that impact on
increasing loyalty customers. The formulation of the problem in this article were advertising promotion
strategies influence on customer loyalty, service quality influence on customer loyalty, and advertising
promotion strategies and service quality influence on customer loyalty. In the meantime, hypothesis of work in
this article were: (1) Advertising promotion strategy has a positive effect on customer loyalty, (2) Service Quality
has positive effect on customer loyalty, and (3) Advertising promotion strategy and service quality have positive
effect to customer loyalty.
The method employed in making this article was done to get deliniation of the influence of advertising
promotion strategy and quality of service to customer loyalty to customers of modern market in Ciamis Region.
Moreover, data were obtained through data collection techniques in the field using explanatory survey
Customers loyalty influenced by advertising promotion strategy equal to 58,06%. This means that customer
loyalty is affected only a small part of advertising promotion strategy that is equal to 58.06%. Thus tcount> ttable is
8.717> 1.667. Then the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. This means that advertising promotion Strategy positih
influence on customer loyalty.
Customer loyalty is influenced by the service quality of 24.60%. This means that customer loyalty is only affected
by a small portion of service quality of 24.60%. Thus tcount> ttable is 2.3> 1.667. Then the null hypothesis (Ho) is
rejected. This means that the quality of service positih influence on customer loyalty.
Customers loyalty influenced by the promotion of advertising and service quality of 58.06%. This means that
customer loyalty is affected only a small part of promotion strategy advertisin and service quality that is equal
to 58.06%. Thus tcount> ttable is 8.717> 1.667. Then the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. This means that the
promotion of advertising strategy and service quality positih influence on customer loyalty. Thus, the third
hypothesis can be accepted and tested the truth. The conclusion is advertising promotion strategy has a positive
effect on customer loyalty, meaning that if the use of advertising promotion strategy is more appropriate then
the customer will be more loyal, Quality Service positively influence to customer loyalty, it means the better
service quality will be more loyal customers, Advertisng and quality of service have a positive and high impact
on customer loyalty, meaning the more appropriate promotion strategy and the better the service quality will
be more loyal customers.





